week 4
Today the lesson continued with the third group presentation on the subtopic entitled “Children’s Ability to Grasp Meaning”.
Anyway, the particular presentation well began with the definition of the phrase and continued on teacher’s role in helping pupils to grasp meaning. After listening to the presentation, I understand that pupils begin to learn a language from what is being said before they are trying to understand the individual words of the language. Non verbal communication such as intonation, gesture, facial expressions, actions and circumferences are the most basic elements in helping pupils to understand a language. Explaining about the topic, the group members also explained that pupils are not born with “blank slates”; meanwhile there is inner knowledge called Universal Grammar (UG) is actually develop in their mind since they born. Now, comes in the teachers’ role to activate it. Teachers are the most responsible who should provide a lot of clues and guidance in helping them to activate the UG.
The fourth group presentation focused on "Children’s Instinct for Play and Fun". The presentation helps me to realize that pupils between 7-12 years old are still young and they prefer to play and have fun rather than studying. Since, they are still in the “kids world”, thus, it could be better if the teacher integrate the elements of fun into the lesson. For example, introducing language games such as “hangman”,” spelling Bee” and “maze” will create fun situations that encourage the pupils to be actively participated in the lesson. Although the pupils may only enjoy playing the game but indirectly or unconsciously they are learning the language.
Then, the lesson continued with the fifth group presentation on “Children’s Creative use of Limited Language Resources”. The general idea of the particular topic is children are creative in grammatical forms and concept. Talking about the above phrase, I realized that pupils are actually quite creative in creating words by analogy or they even invent completely new words which then come into the family vocabulary. For example, children may said “don’t unring” when they wanted to tell a telephone caller to wait. Although the phrase is grammatically wrong but they try use the particular phrase in order to create the meaning that they needed. As they are still in the learning process, such problem can be reduced in the future through teachers’ effective guidance.
The last presentation which is on “The Role of Imagination” was presented by Nizam’s group. After listening to the presentation, now I know that pupils’ are really imaginative and making sense of the world about them. For example, if they are given a chance to draw any picture, some may come out with their own versions of their world through fantasy and imagination. Some may draw human beings with square shape faces, three angle eyes, round legs and so on. Even though, its look silly from the adults view but it can be used effectively in a teaching and learning classroom. For example, teacher can teach them on shapes using the particular picture. Therefore, I realized that encouraging pupils to the imaginative world it actually one way to lead them to learn something in a fun way.
Wait!!! The lesson did not stop until that. After all the group have presented their power point slides, Pn Foziah also gave us some tasks to be completed by next lesson where we were required to download the song entitle “Waka Waka” by Shakira in mp3 and mp4 format as well as the lyrics of the song. Besides that, we were also required to prepare power point slides explaining about the steps of downloading the mp3, mp4 file as well the lyrics of the song. Before I forget, at the end of the lesson; we also have been exposed to Moyea software which is a effective tool for downloading big files in a few seconds.
Is it true? If you want to know the truth, try to download the software and explore it. Anyway, now I’m going to explore it…… bye…..
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